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We are deeply committed to anti-corruption efforts, with a strong focus on whistleblowing initiatives and the promotion of the anti-corruption pledge, aimed at fostering transparency, accountability, and ethical governance across all sectors.


Whistleblowers Matter

Whistleblowers are the unsung guardians of accountability, often risking their livelihoods, safety, and reputations to expose wrongdoing that threatens the public interest.


By shedding light on corruption, fraud, and unethical practices within organizations, whistleblowers play a critical role in maintaining transparency and integrity in both the public and private sectors.


Their actions help protect democratic institutions, safeguard public resources, and uphold the rule of law, often serving as a last line of defence when internal checks fail. In a world where power can be easily abused, whistleblowers act as catalysts for change, ensuring that truth prevails over secrecy and injustice.


Their courage not only brings about essential reforms but also strengthens the moral fabric of society, reminding us all of the importance of ethical conduct.








Whistleblowers Awards 

The Whistleblowers Awards is an annual event dedicated to honouring the bravery and resilience of whistleblowers who have risked their careers, reputations, and personal safety to expose corruption, fraud, and unethical conduct. These awards celebrate individuals who have stood up for truth and integrity, often at great personal cost, in both the public and private sectors. By recognising their invaluable contributions, the event aims to inspire a culture of accountability and ethical conduct in society, while also advocating for stronger protections and support mechanisms for whistleblowers. The Whistleblowers Awards serve as a reminder of the critical role these individuals play in safeguarding democracy and promoting transparency.


Whistleblowers Summit

The Whistleblowers Summit is a premier gathering of thought leaders, legal experts, activists, journalists, and whistleblowers, united in their commitment to advancing the cause of transparency and accountability. The summit provides a platform for in-depth discussions on the challenges whistleblowers face, including legal, emotional, and financial hardships. It also addresses the critical role whistleblowing plays in exposing corruption and upholding ethical standards within organisations and governments. 


Featuring keynote speeches, expert panels, and collaborative sessions, the summit fosters dialogue on strengthening whistleblower protections, reforming legislation, and creating safer environments for those who speak out against misconduct. 


By bringing together diverse voices, the Whistleblowers Summit aims to build a more supportive ecosystem for whistleblowers and drive systemic change in governance and corporate responsibility.








Fallen Heroes of Integrity Education Fund

The Fallen Heroes of Integrity Education Fund is a vital initiative dedicated to supporting the educational needs of the dependents of whistleblowers who have tragically lost their lives in the pursuit of truth and justice.


Recognising the profound personal sacrifices made by these courageous individuals, the fund seeks to honour their legacy by ensuring that their children and dependents have access to quality education and opportunities for a brighter future.


By providing scholarships, mentorship, and academic resources, the fund aims to alleviate the financial burden on families while keeping alive the memory and principles of those who stood up for integrity. In doing so, it not only offers tangible support but also reinforces the societal value of whistleblowing, encouraging future generations to continue the fight for accountability and ethical governance.​​



The Fallen Heroes of Integrity Education Fund will also extend its support to the children of whistleblowers who have faced significant hardships following their courageous acts of exposing wrongdoing.


Many whistleblowers experience severe financial, emotional, and social challenges as a result of their whistleblowing, which can negatively impact their families, particularly their children's educational opportunities.


By providing scholarships, educational resources, and mentorship, the fund seeks to ease the burden on these families, ensuring that the children of whistleblowers are not deprived of the education they deserve due to the sacrifices made by their parents. This initiative not only offers practical support but also acknowledges the profound challenges whistleblowers endure, reaffirming society’s commitment to standing by those who uphold integrity and justice.


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