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Crowd Clapping


Whether it's hosting workshops on ethical citizenship, organising summits on issues affecting society and the economy, awards ceremonies to recognise community and nation builders, or collaborating with local communities on social justice projects, we are committed to creating a positive impact.


Public Interest SA organises public events aligned to our various programs and projects to achieve our mission. These projects include promoting Open Procurement to increase transparency and accountability in public spending. We also advance Whistleblowing as an important tool to combat corruption and unethical practices. Additionally, we hot workshops and webinars on Governance & Ethics to foster a culture of integrity and good governance in both public and private sectors.

Off The Books Summit 

Annual Fundraising
Golf Day

Areboleleng (a-re-bo-le-leng) derives from Setswana and Sepedi words “a re boleleng” which simply means “let us chat”, “let’s talk”, “let’s discuss”, “let’s have a dialogue”, or “let’s engage”.

We appreciate that deliberation and a quest for lasting solutions require true diversity of thought, drawing participants from different backgrounds, ages, ethnicity, political orientations, incomes, occupations, education levels, etc. 


Areboleleng is Public Interest SA’s overarching program that seeks to cultivate, inspire, and entrench deliberative democracy through a series of community-focused dialogues and deliberate actions. 


South Africa is in the throes of staving off grey-listing by the Financial Action Task Force. 


The OFF THE BOOKS Summit seeks to address the complex challenges posed to the South African economy by illicit markets, economies and financial flows.


We are excited to announce our upcoming Fundraising Golf Day, scheduled to take place at the prestigious Royal Johannesburg & Kensington Golf Club on 28 of March 2024. We have combined some of our greatest passions to create an event that not only promises a day of competitive and fulfilled golf but also serves a higher purpose.



Audience at a Performance


Promoting Transparency, Accountability and Integrity

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